Compactifying moduli spaces for Abelian varieties
/ Martin C. Olsson. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. - Online-Ressource - (Lecture notes in mathematics; 1958)
ISBN 978-3-540-70519-2
Quelle: DNB
Lange, Herbert: Complex Abelian varieties
/ Herbert Lange ; Christina Birkenhake. - Berlin : Springer, 1992. - VIII, 435 S. : graph. Darst.; 24 cm - (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen; 302)
ISBN 978-3-540-54747-1 / 3-540-54747-9 Pp. : DM 148.00
Literaturverz. S. 417 - 426
Quelle: DNB
Diophantine approximation and abelian varieties
: introductory lectures / B. Edixhoven ; J.-H. Evertse (ed.). - Berlin : Springer, 1993. - XII, 127 S.; 24 cm - (Lecture notes in mathematics; Vol. 1566)
ISBN 978-3-540-57528-3 / 3-540-57528-6 kart. : DM 34.00
Literaturverz. S. 123 - 127
Quelle: DNB
Moduli of curves and abelian varieties
/ The Dutch Intercity Seminar on Moduli. Carel Faber ; Eduard Looijenga (ed.). - Braunschweig : Vieweg, 1999. - VIII, 199 S.; 23 cm - (Aspects of mathematics : E; Vol. 33)
ISBN 978-3-528-03125-1 / 3-528-03125-5 Pp. : DM 89.00
Quelle: DNB
Li, Ke-Zheng: Moduli of supersingular Abelian varieties
/ Ke-Zheng Li ; Frans Oort. - Berlin : Springer, 1998. - 116 S.; 24 cm - (Lecture notes in mathematics; Vol. 1680)
ISBN 3-540-63923-3 kart. : DM 37.00, $ 27.00
Literaturverz. S. 106 - 111
Quelle: DNB